
We advertise your property on our own website and popular websites such as Trade Me and OneRoof. Then we select quality tenants, show them your home, and sign them up.

Once tenants have moved in, we maintain communication with them, and handle any issues that might arise.
Want to know everything that goes on, when it happens? You decide how much information we give you, and how often we update you.

We regularly check in with tenants and inspect your property to make sure the people living there are treating it with respect. We’ll also note upcoming maintenance issues, and let you know before they become a problem.

We check that it’s all there, every week, and communicate with the tenants in the unlikely event that rent is missing. Then we pay the proceeds out to you.

Some regular actions are needed to comply with the government’s healthy homes standards for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture, drainage and draught stopping. We know the regulations inside out, and we provide the right information to the right people at the right time to make sure your house stays healthy homes compliant.
If you need work done on your home to maintain compliance, we can make it happen. We seek multiple quotes and organise contractors to carry out the work.

We make sure your property has smoke detectors in all the right places, and we’ll stay on top of things if the detectors go out of date or malfunction.

We can take care of regular property-related expenses on your behalf, and can even pay contractors for maintenance work so you’re never bothered with the comings and goings.

We check that it’s all there, every week, and communicate with the tenants in the unlikely event that rent is missing. Then we pay your profits out to you.

Want to know how much your property is worth? We can run a full desktop valuation to give you the latest and most accurate information available.

Maybe you prefer to get your property updates by phone once a month. Maybe you want regular email updates. However you like to communicate, we do it your way.

We can take care of all those little (and big) things that pop up, from leaky taps to roof repairs. We’ll organise quotes, manage the contractors, arrange access to the property, and even pay the bills on your behalf.
Prefer to handle this yourself? That’s fine too. You’re free to manage your property how you want with Freedom Property Management.

Interested in renting out your investment property? We can evaluate the property and let you know how much rent you could expect. We also highlight any compliance issues, and can get your property up to code.

Regulations change, and you can’t be expected to keep on top of everything happening in the world of rental property. Luckily, we are keeping on top of it, and we can let you know when the government makes a change that affects you.